Reference Selector

Does anyone know if anything has changed in the way the Reference Selector works between 8.18 and 9.24?    We are using a Reference Selector in Native Mobile. In 8.18, when a user taps the selector, a scrolling drop down list appears. With no changes to the any of the entities / attributes or pages related to the Reference Selector, it no longer shows a drop down list, but instead just an empty field. We have compared every action related to the attribute path for the Reference Selector. We can't find anything different between how our app is designed in 8.18 and 9.24 versions related to the attribute or the page or any related actions.     Thanks in advance for any insights.   Best,   Christina
2 answers

have you rebuild the native app again ?


Yes. We have rebuilt the native mobile app many times since the upgrade to 9.24. We are using the latest version of the widget. There are newer options for reference selectors for 9.24, but none of them work for native, only web. 
