Additional content between the rows in data grid 2

Is it possible to display additional content between the rows in data grid 2? To elaborate on what I mean: I have a lot of data within the entity data and would like to have it hidden by default, but at the same time allow the user to view this data without opening a pop-up. Simply an extra line into which I can insert my data. Obviously the easiest way to do this would be to use a listview and hide/show the additional elements but I want it to be a data grid 2 as much as possible. Hypothetically it could be an extra column shown as row but this is unlikely to be realised in the tool. I am thinking of doing something like the image below, the user in the last column can show/hide additional content
3 answers

Hey Lukasz,

you can use Dynamic row class and play around it. Its should be something like this. (your-class-for-hide this should be class that should include your custom styling and it's not need to be for hide things it's also can be for adding additional container bellow row for display additional content)


and if you need to be on specific coulmn Appearance Dynamic cell classimage.png


I don't think so. This seems to be only for specifying the CSS styles of the row and cell, not for throwing content there.


Hi, what I think Slavko is trying to say, is that you could add a dynamic class like this: 



Here, the visible property determines whether something should be shown or not. The displaynone class simply adds a 'display:none' to the item. 

Now, this would not be a full row, it would also have columns like the other rows do. 

As far as I know, what you are asking is not possible, and you could only do it with a similar workaround as this.
