how to export to excel file with datagrid2 widget version 10.5?

  The Data Grid 2 widget comes with built-in functionality to export data from the data sources you configured in your settings. The export is done through Export to Excel JavaScript operation that is distributed as part of the Data widgets module. To export data from a data grid, create a new flow Export_To_Excel. Export to Excel action has a set of inputs: The name of the data grid - The name of the data grid from which the data should be exported (this name can be found and copied from the data grid's settings (attribute > general > name) filename - The file name used to export the document The name of the worksheet—The name of the Excel sheet used to export the document Contains column names - A Boolean expression that, if true, indicates that the action includes the column header as the first row in the exported document how to make ?
1 answers

Add the nanaflow call button  and add drag and drop export to excel js available in the markeplace module data widgets under client activities 

