Dynamic Filters

Hi Experts,   have a dashboard with twenty-five columns. Filtering each column should be done using a dropdown multiselect checkbox, similar to how sorting is done in Excel. That means that every field must be Filtered dynamically. For example, if column A has 20 records after filtering, then the subsequent filter should take place inside those 20 records.   For Example:   Thanks, Rasik.N
1 answers

Hello Mohamed,


Have you try to take a look at the datagrid and datagrid2.

- Datagrid https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/data-grid/

- Datagrid2 https://docs.mendix.com/appstore/modules/data-grid-2/


These two data widgets come with filtering components especially datagrid2 is really sophisticated. 

With respect to filtering it also depends on the attributetype of your attributes which filtering is possible. To have multiple checkbox filters I expect that you need to have at least enumerations, string values, or associations; 


Hope this helps!


Good luck


Edit: be aware that filtering over a large dataset with a big amount of different filters can impact the performance of your application severe
