Datagrid2 inside a Treenode

Hi everyone!, i have a small problem relating this two widgets combined, i'm using a treenode as a header an inside, a datagrid2 displaying information with filters (the requirement says that filters is a must). The data source information of the datagrid2 is by association and all good until here. The information is displayed as it should but with one small problem in the treenode, when i expand the first time the treenode to see the information in the datagrid, the icon of the treenode becomes a spinner and it blocks the collapse function. I tried changing the datasource, removing the filters and disabling the datagrid2 personalization functions but it did'nt solve the problem.  Finally, i changed the datagrid2 for a listview and it worked without problems but, i need to use the datagrid2.    Thanks in advance for your help!  
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