Unable to upload the image

Hi experts, I have two entities, award and awards logo.   I want to create an object of award and them attach a logo as well. But when I am trying to upload image it is enable as it is not even allowing me to browse for my image as well to upload. The browse button is disabled I have given all the access as well but still unable.   Please help me, I want to attach the image for a particular award    
1 answers

Hello Harsh B,


You are now showing the logo that is associated with the Award, however, i think you did not created the Logo object yet and connected it to the award,

So, what i think you must do is create a nanoflow where you create not only the award object but also already create and associate an empty award logo object and then show the page.


Similar they do for the account_new page:




Hope this helps!


Good luck
