How can I modify the columns that are shown in the pluggable-widget set up?

Good afternoon,    I'm finishing up my pluggable widget, build with XML, React and JavaScript. While it doesn't affect the functionality, it does bother me that I can't find out how to modify the columns that are shown when a new 'object 'is made in the widget set-up in Studio Pro.   I checked the XML of the dataGrid 2, but there isn't a property or setting that is manipulating the columns quantity or order in the XML, as far as I can see.    To compare, the dataGrid 2 has 4 columns, with with non-consecutive properties ( picture1) , which means that it has to specified somewhere. I only get 3 columns, with consecutive properties ( picture2), which are not desired in that order. There are many more properties available inside that 'object'.   Where do i configure which properties are shown to the developer in StudioPro? Is there anyone with prior knowledge in this area who can point me in the right direction?   Thank you in advance! Stefan.   Picture 1, dataGrid 2.  
1 answers

I think the first three settings/attributes are shown. That’s what I encountered and how I was able to make sure the right three fields are shown. I have never been able to configure more than 3 columns being visible.


Sometimes it does happen that if you change the XML, rearranging the order of fields, that those are not reflecting in the UI of existing usages of the widget. It will for new usage of the widget.
