Unable to see the values of Enum Datatype in Combo Box Widget

Hello Everyone,   I am facing issue with Combo Box Widget (v 1.3.1) and I tried with two different ways as mentioned below: - 1.when I select DataSource as an enumeration, the Enum declared in module's data model is not displaying as option to select from, as Combo box is used in a data view.  2.when we try to select other way around by selecting Data Source as context or as database and type as Association and then providing right path of attribute in Attribute - panel by selecting Xpath of attributes of specific Enum , it shows no compile time error but Enum values are not reflected in UI in combo box.     Please give response if anyone know the solution.   Thank You  
1 answers


I created an enumeration and entity like this:



Next, I create an overview page



And an edit page with a combo box



When I create a new object, the Enumeration values display in the combo box.  I've made a brief video here: https://youtu.be/TZ22BCy_33s


Hope that helps you get this working.


