How do I make copies of existing Widgets?

Lately i've been delving into creating new custom Widgets, making them is pretty easy thanks to a certain video. Adding in new functionalities through npm is also very useful, however trying to make an existing copy of a widget that already exists seems to be not as straightforward as i've hoped.    For example: The Treeview Widget is used by many, but i'd like to customize it for my own specific needs a bit more.  I went to the github, generated a widget of my own called 'customTree', copied and pasted the contents in there but I kept getting an error that it was trying to import a function from an api that doesn't exist anymore.    
1 answers

Hey David,

Easiest why to do it is following - Mendix widgets (in your procjet folder) have extension .mpk, changing extension to .zip you will have full access to code of widget, after you do adjustment just zip it again and change extension to .mpk. If you wanna do more advance staffs I suggest you to follow the docs how to create pluggable widget.

hope this help you.

Best regards, Slavko
