Hi, I know this documentation: https://docs.mendix.com/appstore/widgets/calendar/ But can anyone explain the setup part in a few more words (and/or pictures:-) . I understand the following. 1. I need to setup an Entity for the Calender iself 2. I need to setup an Entity for the Calender Events with (Start, End, Color, Title...) and set the Multiplicity to 1:* (One calender can have x events) 3. I need to crate a new empty page 4. I need to add a DataList widget or equal to the page 5. I need to add the calender widget to the DataList widget 6. I need to assign the Calender Events entity as on the DataSource tab (Event entity) and assign Date Start, End, Color, Title and AllDay attributes accordingly 7. From the navigation menue I select Microflow and create a new Microflow that ........ Who can continue this list to make the calender work so that I can select and create a new event shown in the calender. I will then complete the information and provide it with pictures to the DEV team to enhance the documentation. Many thanks and greetings, Timo
Timo Bakenecker
2 answers
Hi Timo Bakenecker
Refer this link : https://community.mendix.com/link/space/widgets/questions/136633
surya k
This calendar still missing a lot of feature, and still can not be a scheduler, from my site i still need to customise by using another third party lib.