How to access the DOM root from pluggable widget

Hi, I'm building a pluggable widget using react. In this widget I want to display 3D models, preferably using the React-Three-Fiber library. However, I need to have a html 'canvas' element in order to use the createRoot function of react-three-fiber.    I've been trying to 'create' this like this: import { createRoot, events } from "@react-three/fiber"; import { ReactElement, createElement, useRef, useEffect } from "react";   import { ThreeViewer, ViewerProps } from "./components/3DViewer"; import "./ui/Viewer.css";   export function Viewer(props: ViewerProps): ReactElement {     const canvasRef = useRef<HTMLCanvasElement>(null);     useEffect(() => {         if (!canvasRef.current) return;         const root = createRoot(canvasRef.current);         root.configure({ events, camera: { position: [0, 0, 50] } });         root.render(<ThreeViewer {...props} />);     }, []);       return <canvas ref={canvasRef} style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%" }} />; }   I keep getting this error though:  Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'current') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'current') on the line  root.render(<ThreeViewer {...props} />);  It tries to get to root.current, and cannot find it.    How can I add this DOM canvas object (because that is what I need) instead, such that I can add these 3D models?   Thanks in advance! Janneke  
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