Why combo box is greyed out ?

  Image 1: Combo box is greyed out when the security is set to production Image 2: Combo box is showing options when the security is off   I have been trying to figure out this issue for three days but couldn't find a solution.    I have checked every possible scenario related to permissions and security. The association is set as many to many. I'm using the existing association between the User and UserRole entities in the System Module.    Any leads on how to solve this issue?
1 answers

Hi Naveen,


Can you make sure you have checked all the roles under the "User Management" section in the Security Access Edit for Admin User Role.


Screen shot for you Reference : 



This setting should be done only for admin. This allows the admin user to access the UserRole token that create the account. Enable or disable the check box to check the effect on the user role selection. 



