Using custom UI libraries like MUI in custom widgets

Hello everyone,   I’m currently working on integrating a React UI Components Library into my Mendix project. I've managed to successfully build the project and create a custom widget using the available documentation. However, I’m encountering issues with displaying custom input fields from an external library correctly.   From what I understand, it's possible to replace Mendix’s default CSS classes with something like Tailwind by adding the Tailwind SCSS file to the project. However, this approach would overwrite all existing classes in my application, which is not what I want. Instead, I’d like to retain the existing classes for my application while applying specific classes only to my custom widget.   I’ve experimented with several libraries, including React MUI, Tailwind, and PrimeReact, but haven’t achieved the desired results. In some instances, the input fields work but lack proper styling, and in other cases, I encounter various errors, particularly with MUI.   Has anyone here dealt with a similar situation? I would greatly appreciate any guidance or resources that could point me in the right direction. I've reviewed the documentation on custom widgets and styling, but I haven't found anything particularly helpful.   Wish you all a wonderful day and thank you in advance for any assistance :)
2 answers

To clarify, I have also read all of the Joe Robertson's tutorials about pluggable widgets, but that did not help in my case sadly.


Hi Pawel,


Did you manage to integrate Mui Datagrid ? would be very interested if yes.


