How to add attributes to the pluggable widgets ?

I am trying to integrate chatBot UI with endpoint by creating a pluggable widget . But I couldn't able get entity access for selecting the attributes in the mendix . Where did I do wrong ? Can anyone help with this issue ?  ChatBot.xml code is as follows  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <widget id="mendix.chatbot.ChatBot" pluginWidget="true" needsEntityContext="true" supportedPlatform="Web" offlineCapable="true" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../xsd/widget.xsd">     <name>Chat Bot</name>     <description>Handles user queries and displays responses</description>     <icon/>     <properties>         <propertyGroup caption="Data source">             <property key="Prompt" type="attribute">                 <caption>User Query (path)</caption>                 <description/>                 <attributeTypes>                     <attributeType name="String"/>                 </attributeTypes>             </property>             <property key="Response" type="attribute">                 <caption>Response (path)</caption>                 <description/>                 <attributeTypes>                     <attributeType name="String"/>                 </attributeTypes>             </property>         </propertyGroup>     </properties> </widget>  
4 answers

Hello Jakkula,


I have tested the properties portion of your xml and it appears to have no issues. Have you ran 'npm run build', synchronized studio pro with your app directory, and updated widget definitions?


Yes I did .Still the same issue .


What is the error message you are receiving? If it specifically references entity access rules then I would check your domain model and ensure that the module role you are showing this data has access to it there.


The widget is working inside the data view .But I am getting CE0529 ERROR with widget and without widget it's working .I don't where did I do wrong .I am attaching the screenshots here which might help you to understand my problem .

Screenshot 2024-09-05 112446.pngScreenshot 2024-09-05 112455.pngScreenshot 2024-09-05 112503.png
