How to add new with a predetermine field?

Hello there! I am currently working on improving my “Add New” form. The form includes fields from entity attributes and a grid 2 for fields from an entity relationship. Since I am already working within a selected entity, I am wondering why there isn’t a preselection for certain fields. For example, the “Edit” form has a predetermined field, but when I use the “Add New” form, it asks me to select one, which can be confusing because I have entities with the same name.           Now if I try add new its empty! :(  
1 answers


You are creating a new object from the new button, so the association will be empty, and that is what you see last in your last image.  You can call a microflow, to create the object, and then set the association, and then call the page, so that you will have value in your dropdown.


Hope it helps!!
