Combobox Multi-Selection Limitation: No Attribute Storage for Selected Items – How to Overcome This
I've encountered an issue with the Combobox widget when using a Multi-Selection option. While it's great that you can populate the list via a microflow, there seems to be a key limitation. When using Single Selection, it's possible to store the selected item in an attribute within an entity. However, when switching to Multi-Selection, this functionality is lost, and there's no builtin straightforward way to store the selected items in an attribute. Without the ability to store these values, the Multi-Selection option becomes quite limited in use. Has anyone else encountered this? Are there any workarounds or best practices for handling multi-selection in comboboxes and storing those values efficiently in Mendix?
Rico Roodenburg
1 answers
Ask Mendix to provide that missing feature. There is still some activity around the combobox, so chances are they will build it.