Experiencing an issue after upload for this File Upload JS Action for a specific user
I'm using the File Upload JS Action to upload file to better the user experience but end up with following error for a specific end user not sure why this is happening though fileDocument object is not empty Console log: .cloud/file?guid=1125899907155531 560m @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61e @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61(anonymous) @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61(anonymous) @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61e @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61(anonymous) @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61(anonymous) @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61e @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61(anonymous) @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61a @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61e @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61s @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61g @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61(anonymous) @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61O @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:61saveDocument @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:5saveDocument @ mxui.js?638683009806049363:59i @ jsactions.js?638683009806049363:1Understand this errorAImxui.js?638683009806049363:59 [Client] CustomError r: Uploading file failed: Cannot invoke "com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.core.IMendixObject.getMember(com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.core.IContext, String)" because "fileDocument" is null
Manoj Kumar Padibandla
1 answers
Please review your user role to ensure that the user with their user role has access to write to the file document entity that you are trying to upload to.