Widget generator 2.0.0 released today

We have updated the widget generator to version 2.0.0 today. This includes various new options: Use Gulp instead of Grunt. In one of my tests in building the CKEditor for Mendix, Gulp performs it's tasks in under a second, while Grunt runs for a few seconds (due to copying about 2.000 files) Use an empty widget boilerplate. Per request of various MVP's, we have created an empty widget boilerplate in the generator. You will be asked whether or not you want to use jQuery (not recommended) and templates. In the future, we might make it even more flexible (ideas are welcome!). The empty widget will only contain the necessary methods that are used in a widget, without the example code from the AppStoreWidgetBoilerplate   It becomes easier and easier to scaffold a widget very fast. Have a look at the README on Github. You can update your widget-generator by running  npm install yo generator-mendix -g in your command-line window. Further instructions are provided on Github. New to widget development? Have a look at an earlier webinar I gave on widget building. This uses the older version of the widget generator, but it still works on the same workflow. Ideas are welcome ofcourse! Right now I have some requests that will be included in a next release: Add LICENSE files, a request filed on Github Add SASS support (use SASS to build your widget CSS)  
1 answers

Ok Jelte,


will give a try and update the experience.
