Solving the infamous No constructor found on a mobile phone

Most of you have probably seen the 'No constructor found' error on widgets, which seems to happen due to cache issues. We also have it in several applications, on several widgets and in unpredictable and not-reproducable situations. On desktop apps, this issue is often 'solved' by clearing your cache and/or doing a hard refresh (ctrl+f5). However, on a mobile device it's a lot less user friendly to clear your cache. And also on mobile devices, we get the error every now and then on widgets that normally work fine. 1) What is the root cause of this 'No constructor found' issue? It seems to be something with the timing of loading elements and is therefore influenced by your cache. 2) How can this problem be (structurally) solved, also on mobile devices?
1 answers

No constructor found is not only a cache issue. Most of the time the problem is with a misbehaving widget. So check which mobile widget you are using and check if removing them resolves your problem.



