Er is een fout opgetreden, neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder. on Close page action

After I click a "Close" button on a page I get the error "Er is een fout opgetreden, neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder." ("An error has occurred, please contact your system administrator"). The Close button calls a microflow that only calls a "Close page" action. Nothing appears in the standard logging. In the console of Chrome Developer Tools (by using http://localhost:8080/index-console.html) I get "Error: Cannot read property '_destroyed' of undefined" at mxui.js?636161087473917781:29. This problem occurs every *second* time, strangely. So the first time i click the close button, it works fine, an overview page shows. The second time the error occurs. The third time it works fine again etc. I have tried: * Replace the "Close page" action by an "Open page" action * Replace the layout of the source and target page to PhoneLayout, which is still factory default. Any ideas?
1 answers

Since it's a problem in the CKEditor, consider updating it to the latest version. The uninitialze function in my widget looks like this:


uninitialize: function () {
            logger.debug( + ".uninitialize");
            if (this._editor) {

So no _destroyed property.
