Link button for Email w/ subject & body encoded

I'm trying to use a mendix link button to generate a new email in the user's default email client, with the subject encoded.  I have a calculated attribute that I'm binding the link button to for the email address and in that attribute I build the appropriate mailto encoded string, example here:   However - this does not work as expected. And the whole line, though encoded correctly, shows up in the To field of the new email. If I only use the email address "" it works as expected.   If I set the link button to be a "web" instead of "email" - then the encoded mail is properly generated in the user's email client - however - a new blank web page is also opened.   I'd rather not use the mail modules or add-ons from the app store when a link button could do this.  Any suggestions?   Thanks in advance.
1 answers

As you already experienced, this won't with the default link behavior. I recommend you to use the Format String / Custom String widget from the App Store for this. Those two widgets are widely used, so for me they are "part of the basic toolkit".
