Widget repo - Seperate test project from source code - any sugestions?

All widgets have test projects. That is a really good thing. Much of an improvement. However a test project... is not code, and to keep the commit clean, the test projects should actually not part of the widget source repository. Mendix projects have their own SVN repository where they belong, but they are not publicly accessible for others. Is there any good solution for splitting the 2? Is there a way to use a public repo like fit our source force? Old pet project https://github.com/mweststrate/mxgit but it seems not update recently.      
3 answers

I think it would be nice if the test project would be excluded from the SVN, and the appstore would allow to upload the test project package seperately from the widget itself. This could then also replace the several "test project / sample implementation" projects now found in the appstore and make it easier to find them if it's just an extra link on the appstore page to download the project package. 


What about, Mendix providing a "Public read" option for a sprintr project?

Add a script to check out the test project with npm / gulp / grunt?


I'm looking for a "deployment" option, like Github/etc. where I load a SSH public key and that key can only download, no user password etc. needed.

Also, *just* the ability to use SSH public keys would be a great addition
