Problems with Chrome PDF viewer

Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with the PDF viewer from Chrome. The pdf viewer won't show the pdf but just a black screen. It seems to occur on more complex pages. In my own project I never see the pdf. In my (more simpler) test project I sometimes see the pdf and sometimes not. The error does not occur in Edge or Firefox. When i use an external PDF viewer extension in Chrome it works fine. When I'm shown the black screen a warning appears in the Mendix console "Caught IOException while trying to write data to a client connection: null". I've checked the following things: Issue only appears in Chrome, with Chrome PDF viewer I have the newest version of the Document viewer widget from the app store I have the newest version of chrome No logging in the browser console The Iframe is rendered correctly with the file URL, when opening this URL you see the PDF just fine Ruled out security Mendix 6.10.3 When I create a new simple filedocument object grid with newedit page the viewer works fine in the same app, it only occurs when working with multiple dataviews/grids on a page but then difficult to reproduce when it breaks. During testing and reproducing I've also found another issue in firefox. When you open the page which has the Document viewer widget Firefox opens a second tab with the document in full screen. This behaviour is maybe related to this issue but it could also be a different issue. This behaviour only occurs when you double click the grid record, not when you select and press Edit. This behaviour is not consistent, it happens on and off.   I've filed a support ticket but I maybe other people experience the same issue. It took me some time to figure out and reproduce so this might help you if you run into the same problem.
2 answers

Hi Charles,

The FileDocumentViewer has extended support, so you could file a ticket with Mendix, we'll look into this. Does this also occur when you're using the PDFjs option? That effectively renders the PDF through Javascript (library is from Firefox). If you have a test-project where we could reproduce this problem, I'd be happy to have a look at it. (contact us through Support)


Charles, is your error actually a broken pipe error? If so, yes, I have run into this issue all the time. We have never been able to consistently reproduce and have never received a complaint from a user, but have had our log flooded with this error. We were also displaying pdf documents using the FileDocumentViewer.
