Validations not working properly for text area widget

HI   I have done validations for a form through microflow. When I click on the  action button, without filling any data everything is working fine..It is showing validations to every field. But when I fill the data and click on action button and then I removed the data which I have filled from the fields, and once again click on the action button it is not show any validations for the fields where ever I used TextArea widget. Remaining all fields are working fine. STEPS. 1. CLICK ON THE ACTION BUTTON WITHOUT FILLING THE DATA.(WORKING FINE) 2. FILL THE DATA AND CLICK ON ACTION(WORKING FINE) 3. REMOVE THE DATA WHICH IS FILLED, AND CLICK ON THE ACTION BUTTON AGAIN(NOT WORKING) NOT SHOWING VALIDATIONS ONLY FOR FIELDS WHICH IS USED IN TEXTAREA WIDGETS AND REMIANING ALL FIELDS ARE WORKING FINE.
1 answers

My first thought is that it isn't an issue with the textarea widget.

It sounds like you're testing your String attributes with != empty. Make sure to also test for != '' (null vs empty String field), or even better do a trim of the attribute and test that against != ''
