I have a text area and need to display below it Entered xx chars of max 500. Can you please give a javascript for this that I can use in javascript snippet. Not jquery. Plain javascript only.

I have a text area and need to display below it "Entered xx chars of max 500". Can you please give a javascript for this that I can use in javascript snippet. Not jquery. Plain javascript only. PS: Jquery is not working and the mendix's counter message in text area is also not working. Mx ver 6.10.2   **** My note to self **** : The default message works only if the dataview is marked with - show as Text (instead of as control). But even after this there is a problem. If you navigate out to other page and close that to return, the message shows 0 chars even though there are chars existing in text box. A Mendix defect. So I worked around by not opening any further pages from here that can be closed to return to it. Instead I show popuplayout pages that are modal and dont reset the message. So you can still use the mendix default message.
3 answers

Use the CKEditor. It has a build in functionality for that.





If you're using the default Mendix text area widget, can't you just use the built-in counter message?

See also https://docs.mendix.com/refguide7/text-area#counter-message


You may need an ID/class for that text area. Then you can find the div and insert another div below it.
