CKEditor table issue

I am using CKEditor, while I am adding table in to canvas…  able to add caption of table, we can see in canvas but not able to see in uploaded document and  summery of table unable see in canvas. Is there any CKeditor properties need to be  configure? Let me know    
4 answers

I had the same behavior in Mendix 6.5.
It seems that the caption attribute is not rendered when creating a document using a template. This is probably a limitation of the embedded XHTML renderer..

We worked around this issue by creating the caption as a regular span and styed it to resemble the caption.
Could this workaround work for you too?


Are you using the CKEditor viewer to display the content from that attribute?


I did a quick test for you and this is how it shows when using the CKEditor viewer:

On the page:


In the editor:















I am not using “CKEditor viewer“, directly converting into word document.  In this document we are not able to see caption of the table.



HTML code:


<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:94px" summary="table summary">
    <caption><strong>Obser data:</strong></caption>
            <td style="width:34px">SNO</td>
            <td style="width:58px">Desc</td>
            <td style="width:34px">1</td>
            <td style="width:58px">Abc</td>
            <td style="width:34px">2</td>
            <td style="width:58px">Xyz</td>



I think "<caption><strong>Obser data:</strong></caption>"   this caption tag not supporting . So un able to see "Obser data:" in Word doc.


Hi Team,

I am also facing same issue. Can anyone, pls update us on this. 
