How to set the Auto Complete Widget colour to match the theme in the project

Hi..   I have used the Mendix Auto Complete widget in my application andI have encountered two problems. Please try to help me out here. 1. First Problem is that the AuotoComplete widget is not so friendly with my theme. I am using the "Monte Black" theme.  Check the screen shots below. The widget isnt even showing the cursor. But the widget is working. Is there any way to get the widget's colour to match the Theme colour or atleaset, to some colour that the typed content will be visible?   2. My Second question is that, when I try to run my microflow via this widget, which starts if no results found, I cant close this page that holds the widget. I used the "close page" action in my microflow as usual, but it doesn't close this page.. Any help??   Thanks Dylan
1 answers

Hi Dilan,


Regarding your first question, you can customize the custom css to overwrite the widget style. 


Regarding the second question, perhaps debugging the microflow will help you figure out what happens when the microflow is finished.


Let me know if this helps.
