TextBoxEnterKey widget doesnt refresh

We built custom search functionality on a homepage. Three input fields, using the TextBoxEnterKey widget, and two boolean sliders. One search button, one clear button.  The clear button calls a microflow resetting the attributes of the Search object. Refresh in client is set to Yes. The thing is, when we click the clear button, the boolean sliders are re-set on the page, but the TextBoxEnterKey fields are not. Clicking Search again, with the search object re-set but the search fields still showing the old entries, does not result in a query with the old entries. The search object really is empty. It's just the widget still showing the old attribute value. How can we remove the text in the TextBoxEnterKey widgets with the Clear button? 
4 answers

Without having checked the widget you mention it seems like an issue with the widget where it does not handle updates for it's context correctly. Have you tried contacting the widget's author?


I ran into the same issue. It's a known issue on the GitHub page albeit a bit weirdly described (https://github.com/Finaps/EnterKeyWidget/issues/3 ). However there hasn't been much activity on the repository.


I'll look into it as soon as I can find a bit of time somewhere


Have you tried refreshing the object in your microflow?
