Microflowlabel widget - not loading after migrating to v6+

Hi all, I am helping a customer migrate their app to v7+.  Got rid of lots of non used widgets =, so migration from 5 to 6 was swift and error free.  However, I get an error for microflow label widget, which has not been updated since v4+, and running the widget checks states all widgets have no errors. As anyone seen the same thing... Does anyone know of an update that is work with v6 and v7?   Could not create widget MicroflowLabel.widget.MicroflowLabel TypeError: m is not a constructor     at mxui.js?636355332667980644:11     at Object.forEach (mxui.js?636355332667980644:5)     at a (mxui.js?636355332667980644:11)     at Object.c [as parse] (mxui.js?636355332667980644:11)     at Object.d.loadWidgetsIn (mxui.js?636355332667980644:9)     at mxui.js?636355332667980644:49     at mxui.js?636355332667980644:9     at Object.a.forEach (mxui.js?636355332667980644:9)     at Object.a.map (mxui.js?636355332667980644:9)     at mxui.js?636355332667980644:49     at l (mxui.js?636355332667980644:6)     at d (mxui.js?636355332667980644:6)     at p.resolve (mxui.js?636355332667980644:6)     at f (mxui.js?636355332667980644:6)     at mxui.js?636355332667980644:6     at l (mxui.js?636355332667980644:6) This is happening on v6.10.9 LR.
2 answers

Did you check the main JavaScript file of that widget? Is there some function/array/object which is called 'm'? Maybe good idea to paste that part of the code here, so we can help you with it.





Hi Luis, 

The app store states that this widget does not work in V6. We encountered this when upgrading from 5 to 6.

We replaced the widget with the CustomString widget as advised here https://forum.mendix.com/link/questions/86053
