Microflow Timer Issue

Hi, I'm having an issue with the microflow timer.  When the MF triggers from the Microflow Timer widget, if I have a change to an object thats in the view, it clears the entire object.  In other words, I have a NPE view object on the screen.  The Microflow Timer runs every 5 seconds to see when the last time data was entered.  If you are in the middle of typing into any of the fields in that object when i adjust another field in that object via a change activity in the microflow, all the other attributes clear out to empty.  Any ideas?
3 answers

Hi Jonathan,

What is it exactly what you are trying to achieve, in other words: what is the desired functionality?

If it is only to change and show an attribute displaying the 'last change' of the data to the user, you could create a separate NP object for that, which you update and refresh


I have a barcode scan screen.  There is an On-Change event set to the barcode input field (the only field on the screen).  When the user scans something and i want to show them that it is a positive "GOOD" scan, i show a large check mark on the screen.  The issue becomes, I only want to show that checkmark on the screen for a short period of time so that the user knows that the next scan actually went through and is not just seeing a consistent "GOOD" indicator on the screen.  So in other words: 

Barcode Scan -> Positive Visual Response -> (wait 2 seconds) -> Positive Visual Response changes to a "waiting for scan" indicator.


Hi Jonathan,

You could add a boolean to your NPE called `scanned` and set it to true when the scan is complete. Then your MF timer could run every 5 seconds and if the boolean is true, it could reset the NPE. This way, the page only refreshes when the data has already been entered.

I hope this helps,

