How to show list of Content with colors based on validation fail(red) or pass(green).

We are using below table of content, it having  list.  In each list item having validations. So based validation fail or pass we have to show to user with different colors.  fail in red color  or pass in green color. please guide me is there available any Widgets. Table of Contents: 1. Input Data 2. Soundness 3. Output data 4.  Controls 5. Oversight  
2 answers

You can use this widget (assuming it still works in 6.7.1) or set booleans based on failed validations which will hide or show different containers with different CSS classes.


Have a look at the Appronto Validator module:

You are able to store validations (error, success, etc) as non persistent objects that you can use to generate a list of the fails/errors.

The Validator module is normally used to display validation feedback (on a form) or a return a list (for webservices) but perhaps you can use it to fit your purpose.
