Dropzone widget 3.1.0 - delete image

  Hi,  I am currently working on upgrading an application and had to implement a new version of the dropzone widget. I upgraded the widget to version 3.1.0. and I am working in Mendix 6.10.6. In another application that has the same versions I am able to remove the images in the dropzone widget. In this project I don't have a cross or button to delete them.  In the release notes of version 3.1.0. i see the following release note: Remove images (not used in latest lib). My question: how can i enable that users can delete the documents in the dropzone itself and also thereby delete an image.   
3 answers

Hi Claudine,

Tested it but couldn't reproduce your situation.

Once I got into the same situation but then it turned out that some custom styling on the widget prevented me from seeing the delete behaviour. Might this be the same for you? Maybe you can share some printscreens of your setup?



Hi Corné,


During the update some issues with the css/styling occured so that could be the cause of the problem.  I will fix the styling issues first and see if the problem still occurs then. Thank you for your answer!



Hi Corné,


The issue was not fixed by fixing the styling.


This is a screenshot of the dropzone. As you can see there is no cross to delete the cross. If i delete the document myself the image does not go away. 








