Text Boxes In Forms

I'm brand new and have searched for the answer, but to no avail. Using the web portal, I have set up a form, which has the typical name and other demographics. However, I want to customize the form to have first name, last name, and other relevant data. I know how to add text boxes, but the problem is, I can't adjust the size of the text boxes. They take up an entire line. It doesn't let me design the layout other than a long long column of text boxes. Respectfully, Kitt
2 answers

Are you using the web modeler? I find configuring the UI in the web modeler is way easier and I use Layout Containers. Easily just add some columns and it will resize the text boxes and keeps it clean and organized.


using layout containers or tables will be the easiest. Alternatively you can use css to adjust the width and height of the text boxes
