Visualize Data using Chart JS widget

Hi, i am new to this wizard and am looking for some guidance in order to understand where am making a mistake. I am following the link as this suffices my needs to show bar chart and line chart for multiple series. But i fail to understand the bullet 13 and 14 of this link , where it says something related to Microflow X which is not referred in this page. I want to club the data of both the series and show in the chart as per the output in this link. But i get only the series 2 .Series 1 is not coming. I have designed the below and passed the output of first microflow to the 2nd so as to combine data but it doesnt work.  
2 answers

Hi Anirban,

  The reference to 'Microflow X' is a broken reference and should say ' MF_RetrieveValuesForChart' instead of X.  Thank you for pointing that out.

  In your sub microflow, can you ensure that the last 'change' object for the Chart object 'Adds' the reference to the new Dataset (NewDataset_2) instead of 'Set'?  This is a many-to-many relationship and it could be possible that you are setting the association and therefore overwriting the existing association between the Chart object and 'NewDataset.'

  I would also make sure that you are passing along the correct dataset object to your Sub microflo.  NewDataset is the input parameter in the first SubMicroflow call and NewDataset_2 is the input parameter for the second.  It could be you are passing the same value in twice.




And the instruction on is updated! Nice.
