One Grid with all the functions of the Datagrid, Datatable, dataGridExtension widget, dataGridColumnSearch widget, some of the inline editing properties of the template grid and the list view. 

One Grid with all the functions of the Datagrid, Datatable, dataGridExtension widget, dataGridColumnSearch widget, some of the inline editing properties of the template grid and the list view.  We have created a food and beverage management application that aggregates point of sales information for companies that have more than one site.  At the moment we use all of the above widgets but it would save alot of time if we could have one widget that could do 90% of the things that we need e.g if we want to have inline microflow buttons we use a listview or template grid but then we cant sort if we click on the headers, but on the other datagrids you can. We could use the datatable then but that is not supported anymore and the search and excel export works differently and you have to create a context entity. We want our front end to be standard and all the grids to have the same functionality so we don't frustrate our users. We are currently using work arounds to make the grid functionality almost the same but this takes time and makes Mendix not that fast anymore.(We love Mendix don't misunderstand me) Would it be possible to have this? All of these functions already exist in one or other widget but not in just one that is supported by mendix itself.
2 answers

Not a very new idea - I still hope Mendix is really working on that


The Listview Controls widget adds a lot of this functionality to the ListView.

This would already cover a lot of your requirements.
