Problem with drag and drop widget

I have been using the Drag and drop widget for a while and it worked alway very well, but now I discovered it is not working anymore in the deployed version. When I run the app locally it works fine, when it run in the Mendix cloud I get an error message. (i.e. in Edge: "Could not create widget DragAndDropSupportWidget.widget.DraggableWidget: TypeError: Function expected  Could not create widget DragAndDropSupportWidget.widget.DroppableWidget: TypeError: Function expected" and in Chrome: "Could not create widget DragAndDropSupportWidget.widget.DraggableWidget: TypeError: $ is not a function Could not create widget DragAndDropSupportWidget.widget.DroppableWidget: TypeError: $ is not a function")   Has anyone an idea what the problem is?   Regards,   Peter     Could not create widget DragAndDropSupportWidget.widget.DroppableWidget: TypeError: Function expected  
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