DIsplaying text does not work

Hi All, When I am adding   some widgets like dataview, datagrid, a simple label or simple text on a page using SDK, the text of the widget is never displayed when committed to the server and then open the app. In the modeler, the label field is empty. Doesn't matter should I create a new project or update a exciting one, it is always the same way - does not work.  So my question is: Is there some workaround or it is a limitation? Thanks in advance   Update:  I found out that the problem was really in the languages. I've deleted the default language 'en-US' and set as default a new language 'en_UK' in the modeler.  Then  I've set 'en_UK' to all my 'Translate' widgets in the SDK script file, then I've updated the project and all the text got displayed. Thanks Josephine van Eeden  
2 answers


This might have to do with your language settings. Did you change those?




Okay, than is probably not the language.

Did you apply any custom CSS? There might be a class that empties the button or grid name (or it might be the same text color and background color).


