Hi Jammula, I had success applying the same styling to a list view that I used on a datagrid that may be helpful. Try applying the following styling to the list view. This will extend the list view and a scroll bar will appear below the listview. Hope this helps :)
width: 2000px;
text-overflow: initial;
white-space: normal;
I think that can be achieved using the following in style properties of listview
As Rene suggested you can make the container scroll with
You can then use the following pseudo elements to customize the scrollbar:
::-webkit-scrollbar The scrollbar
::-webkit-scrollbar-button The buttons on the scrollbar (arrows pointing upwards and downwards).
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb The draggable scrolling handle.
::-webkit-scrollbar-track The track (progress bar) of the scrollbar.
::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece The track (progress bar) NOT covered by the handle.
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner The bottom corner of the scrollbar, where both horizontal and veritcal scrollbars meet.
::-webkit-resizer The draggable resizing handle that appears at the bottom corner of some elements.