Suppress dots in LineChart widget

Hi. We have a line-chart that shows multiple lines in one diagram. Each line has a different color. Works nice. In every line you see a dot at each datapoint. The dots have a different/contrasting color than the line.  The following 'layout options' are used:   {     "autosize": true,     "paper_bgcolor": "rgb(255, 255, 255)",     "plot_bgcolor": "rgb(240, 240, 240)",     "yaxis": {       "rangemode": "normal",       "zeroline": false,       "ticksuffix": "  ",       "type": "linear",       "autorange": true     }   } What we need is to remove the dots or give them the same color as the line. How to do this?
1 answers

Seems like you can set the mode for this -

Try adding the following to your options:

"mode": "lines"


