Call microflow widget

Hi,  I am using the widget mobile device, I have modified this with extra info but the feature from this widget on get information retrieved call microflow/page isn't working on native devices. This feature works in web but I need it to work in a native app. I tought it was the fault of a cordova plugin that I can't put locally so I launched the test with phonegap and put this plugin in: <plugin name="cordova-plugin-app-version" source="npm" spec="0.1.8" />. If I added the plugin it still didn't work. How can I let the widget call the microflow when it retrieved the info? Leander PS: I try to send an object to the microflow not a string.
3 answers

I took a look at the widget (code can be found here) and that should work. My only thought is that this might be an offline app. Have you checked your application for this? In an offline app microflows do not work and (if I remember correctly) aren't even executed.


It was set on support for offline devices too I changed it to online only and it still doesn't work


I found my problem I removed the attributes I didn't use out of my widget and now the widget calls the microflows without any problem.
