How do I associate an uploaded image with a record?

I have an entity called Student with name, ID etc., and I have an image entity called StudentImage. I'm able to edit the Student detail and upload an image, but it doesn't seem to be associated with the Student record. I know the image is uploading, because I created an image page to show all my images.   In order to activate the upload image widget from the student, I created a microflow that created the StudentImage object, then "changed" the Student (StudentImage_Student) by setting the $NewstudentImage.   Is there something else I need to do to associate the new image with the student?   Any advice is appreciated! Thank you.
5 answers

  Here's the domain model


  Here's the microflow to create the new image object


  Here's the page with the upload image widget.



As long as you commit the Student object, the association value you set should be in the database.

What kind of association did you create between Student and StudentImage  (1:1, 1:M, M:M)?  How are you trying to view the image associated with a Student, that is not working? 



Student to StudentImage is 1:1. The image is uploading. I have a page that just lists all images, and I can see my images that I uploaded.  But when I try to list the image with a name (which is stored in Student), it's blank.


The other way is on the EditStudent page (one student per page), I have the StudentImage (over associate StudentImage_Student), and the image is blank. This is where I put the image uploader, so in theory, once I upload an image associated with a student, that student image should show . . . I think.


Any ideas?
