Bug in CKE Editor (Character limit)

Hello everyone!  Not sure where to report this but I found a bug in the CKE Editor. The character limit does not seem to work the same way the text area character limit works. I've made a screen recording when I encountered it:  https://youtu.be/XHt-zw1bbQM  
2 answers

You can report issues here: https://github.com/mendix/CKEditorForMendix/issues


It says "500 characters, including HTML". The CKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor that will create HTML, so there are hidden tags, which adds up to 500 characters. You could create a new text-area in your test-project, point it to the same attribute and see what the widget will store as text in this attribute.

Secondly, I would suggest you set the limit of the attribute a little higher than what you set for the CKEditor. This way you will always make sure it doesn't go over the limit
