Hi Sravya,
You can use a reference selector input widget “displays as a drop down” in your case, you just need to make the proper association with your entity, example (put the field you want in the reference selector in a separate entity and associate it with your main entity one to one or one - many). It will display as a drop down.
Hi Sravya,
I would have a micro flow that is used as an ‘on change event’ for the reference selector.
Within the micro flow have some Boolean values. For Instance if your drop down has 4 options to filter the data have 4 different Booleans stored in an NPE. So if user chooses option 1 we flip that Boolean to true and all the rest to false.
Then on the page with the data grid have 4 containers with 4 different data grids with an Xpath or attribute filter already set and show them dependant on the Boolean change in the micro flow
I do this often to say only show records with a status of OPEN/CLOSED/PENDING.
If you need any more help let me know.