We usually use the dynamic dropdown widget which comes with the Grid Search extension from the app store. I don't know if it matches your requirements exactly but I would definitly give it a try. https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/49364/Mendix/Grid-Search
I think that you are looking for the following widget: List view controls.
This has the following widgets:
Hope that will help you solve your challenge.
What you want sounds a lot like the option to filter selectable objects based on a constraint path. On a reference selector, go to properties, then Selectable Objects:
On the bottom you see 'Constrained by’. If you select a constraint path here, the dropdown list is updated based on a selected value within the constrain path. A regular constraint will only be updated upon loading a page, the paths will be updated upon selecting another value.
For example: you have an article within a product group, like TV's. Within that product group, you'd like to select a sub category. Like the size. But you don't want the size dropdown to show size options from other product groups like speakers. In the domain model, set a reference between size and productgroup and set references from article to both product group and size. Now in an article data view you can have 2 dropdowns for both product group and size. On the size reference selector you can set the constrain path to 'Article_ProductGroup/ProductGroup/Productgroup_Size/Size’. This way you can only select sizes based on the selected product group. This also means there will be no sizes shown when you didn't select a product group. More info here: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/reference-selector#constrained-by
There's also the AutoComplete widget, but this also requires you to type in to search an option: https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/2695/
I'm not entirely sure if this is what you were looking for, if not, please give some more details about your specific use case.
Hello Everyone,
The below is my problem where i am facing.
I have this caption field i took it as string but i added as a drop down in the data grid.
but when ever i select something and click on search it is not searching.
How can i have search in the data grid without enumeration?
Could anyone please help me here?
Thanks in adavance