Editable list view very very very very very slow! looks like its is trying to open all fields in DB

Hi all   Editable list view very very very very very slow! looks like its is trying to open all fields in DB. I have added Pagination, but it still takes for ever to load. I am trying to move away from custom widgets as they are not supported when upgrading. Has anybody had the same problem and maybe has a solution. I am trying to upgrade to 7.23 and want to keep my application look and feel consistent. i.e. i dont want to use work arounds that change the user experience each time i upgrade.  
1 answers


Keep in mind that your page has to load everything it needs. With an editable list view its also loading everything that can be selected, like all referenced objects u could select in an association.

This is probably the cause of the long loading times.

If u use the developer tools of your browser u can check which calls take a long time.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Rob vd Berg


