Disabling click link for url link button when no link set

In a list view i am using action button as render mode link, where I have attached a update news for display and a link attribute containing link to web page (which i set on new edit page) . For having a weblick it is working fine but if after setting the link attribute value blank and clicking the dispaly news,  it still opens a blank page in a new tab. If I use # as link value it doesn’t open new tab but it opens the main home page.  Is there any specific vlaue or string i can set to back link attribute of display news so that on click if there is some webpage it can open and if  there is no link teh click action not open any new tab or home page?. 
1 answers

You can add visibility to the button, when $currentObject/Link != empty you show the button, if it is empty, you do not, so only the buttons with a link attached show and will be clickable. Hope this answers your question.
