Need to move widget left

Hi, I downloaded the “Auto Complete For Mendix” app and it’s working as required however it naturally sits on the right of the screen and does not take up the whole row. I’ve used two in the screenshot below included, the first one I’ve tried floating it left, aligning it left, changing the width etc but it will not move all the way to the left without being very very small. I checked the reviews for the widget and it appeared others were having similar styling issues. Does anyone know how I’d make this look the same as the standard Mendix widgets used above the bottom 2?  
2 answers

You could add the bootstrap class ‘pull-left’ to both. This should at least make sure it is aligned to the left. To style it the same as the top ones, check what classes they have that control this. Add those classes to it via the Modeler, or, more properly, add a specific new class that inherits those stying rules and add that class to the autocomplete widget via the Modeler.


Not sure if it helps but I use the widget. 

Here are some screenshots below on how I have it setup and it seems to look ok. 

