AnyChart _Line widget does not work for dynamic data.
Hi, I am trying to display line chart with dynamic data, but anychart does not work. It gives error “ is not a function TypeError: is not a function”. If I used same json as a static data then it displays the correct line chart. Can any one tell me what is the problem? Static – [{ "mode": "markers+text", "type": "scatter", "textposition": "top center", "textfont": { "family": "Raleway, sans-serif" }, "marker": { "size": 12 } }] Layout – [{ "autosize": true, "width": 500, "height": 250, "xaxis": { "type": "date", "showgrid": false, "showline": false }, "yaxis":{ "showticklabels": false, "showgrid": false, "range":[0,1] }, "responsive": true, "line": { "width":1 } }] JSON Data [{ "x":["2019-07-02","2019-07-04","2019-07-07","2019-07-9"], "y":[5,5,5,5], "text":["StartDate","Pega","DF","DGR"] }]
Apoorva Paranjape
2 answers
Hi Apoorva,
I was facing the same issue. I posted it on forum as well. Finally managed to solve it.