multiselect option using checkbox

hi all i am creating a quiz app i want to select multiple answers. suppose for 1 question there are 3 answers/options i am able to select single option but i want to select multiple option. i used group box in that i used checkbox but still not able to  select multiple option. it is acting like  a radio button how can i achieve this?       ps:i tried custom widget like Bootstrap multi select but i am getting error The Path Should contain at least one step.
4 answers

Hi Deepali,

Have you tried this widget? It seems to fit your case, and has platform support!


Regarding your error:  I think you should select your ‘Data source’ entity over at least one association, starting from your context entity. 


Hi Deepali,

Try creating a many-many relationship and you will get to see the one level depth attribute while selecting the display attribute from Multi-select widget. Find the below images for your reference.




Hope it helps you.



So i wanted solution in 2 ways:
1. Existing thing should work as a Checkbox where i am able to select multiple answers but i was only able to single select.
2. or else I will use a ready made custom widget but i was getting error there.

My Solution :
Existing checkbox was allowing me to select only single answer So what i did was i enabled Editable on my list view and then i disabled Editable property on description and turn on Editable on checkbox and now i am able to multi select.

