Pie Chart Widget - Extremely counter-intuitive to set up

Hi guys; I’ve been having problems configuring a simple pie chart on mendix and if possible, I would like some input. I currently have a entity with the object from which I would like to have the name of the pie chart slices, and a decimal, that gives me the amount from 0.0 to 1.0 of that giving object. I can’t for the love of christ understand how to fill in all of those fields in the pie chart for something as simples as this. Could someone help me out? :D  Thanks in advance! 
1 answers

Hi Gustavo,

You need an object per pie slice, if you have a microflow as a data source you could retrieve/create (helper) objects that contain a relevant value, and return a list of the objects. Make sure the same entity is selected as the entity that holds the value. The same logic applies for ‘database’ data source: it should return a list of objects to be featured as ‘slices’.

Good luck!
